2017 February
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February 2017

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izua_wEwXQQ Trance states can be accessed or induced by various morality and is a way of accessing the unconscious mind for the purposes of relaxation, healing, intuition and inspiration. Trance conditions include all the different states of mind, emotions, moods and daydreams that human beings experience. All...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZFbMfEBdqg A trance is a very simple and natural state of being, the state entered when the physical body goes to sleep while the mind stays awake. Very simply, the frequency of brain waves changes in response to the changed level of mental activity. The less mental...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOYlhfvyY_w While most of us are aware that we have something called a subconscious mind within us, there are very few of us who know much more than that about it, let alone how to harness it. This is unfortunate, for your subconscious mind can and...

https://youtu.be/ylPjPFswej4 What is hypnotherapy and consciousness and subconscious mind? Hypnotherapy utilizes the subconscious part of your mind like dance, behavior, helping person to change - who they are, who they are like to be....

https://youtu.be/RXMAWsHMFlA Sometimes being too sensitive to comments, having a mind that relates to more literal interpretations of experiences and perceptions. Associations that were established when young for negative reactions can be changed through multilayered reassociation meditation methods....

https://youtu.be/Rq3a9X4iqyA Influences come from many sources including those closest to you. Perceptions that have managed to get past the conscious gateway can become wild weeds spreading a false or negative sense of self. Reassociation of perceptions and experiences can raise the level of self satisfaction making...