Humans have basically two minds- the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind is the smaller mind holding approximately 1 million thoughts while the subconscious holds numerous millions of thoughts and is significantly bigger. The conscious mind holds all of the thoughts and memories that you remember, while the subconscious holds all the memories that are too deep or too many to remember and all other body functions.
When a negative thought, belief, pattern occurs in the conscious mind, a simple conscious-level solution will resolve the issue. However, when it becomes deeper and moves to the subconscious, a conscious-level approach will likely be ineffective. This is like fishing for a deep water fish using a shallow fish bait and shallow fishing equipment- and it usually won’t work well or consistently. Hypnotherapy through the trance state goes deeper to the subconscious mind and provides a suggestion/solution that is counter to the sabotaging idea or belief that you already had there, then it overrides it over a short amount of time.
The skilled hypnotherapist will use their voice, inflection, tone, and patterning to allow the client to get into an increasingly relaxed state- sometimes gradually and other times instantaneously. When this trance state is reached, the suggestions are given utilizing the hypnotic language- a language that the subconscious mind is susceptible to. Towards the end of the hypnotherapy the hypnotherapist will usually place a post-hypnotic suggestion in which is a suggestive reminder than anytime the clients sees or experiences an associated handle (action, thought, item) that the hypnotic suggestion will be reminded and positive thoughts and actions should be taken.